Five Minute Friday: Regret


Gentle Reader,

Sometimes, I mentally check out of life a little bit. Been a rough two weeks, physically-speaking, thanks to unstable weather patterns. Some tough days with anxiety and the really irritating thing that my brain does in getting fixated on a topic, which means I must learn everything I can about it, to the exclusion of all else. (I genuinely hate that. People with OCD know that our obsessions and compulsions are irrational and impact us negatively). My house has been a wreck and will continue to be in various stages of disaster for probably forever because once you start replacing the flooring, it’s the domino effect.

But, anyway. Climbing out of the hole.

Kate says: regret.


If you say you have no regrets, then you’re probably lying.

Almost fourteen years ago I had the chance to attend a prestigious university. The credits I had accumulated at our local community college would have transferred easily. There was a scholarship on the table. The university is close enough to home that I could have commuted, thus avoiding dorm life. (I would have been a terrible roommate). My application had been accepted. I had a great meeting with the Dean of Admissions.

I didn’t go.

I was afraid. To make the drive. (Yes, I hate driving that much). To leave behind the environment I knew so well. Of failing. Also, of succeeding.

But nobody can live in the regret.

If I had attended this university, I might not have met my husband. I might not have figured out that I didn’t want to pursue a career in journalism. I might have ended up somewhere else entirely, a different person. And while none of that may have been bad, it may not have been good, either. I might not have been happy. I might not have developed in my relationship with God, which is the truest treasure of my life.

Now, today, is all we have. It’s pointless to ponder “what might have been.” Pointless to dwell in the past or to attempt to predict the future. Yes, we all have regrets, but we all also have the ability to look to Heaven and say, “Lord, teach me to see the beauty in this moment. What do You have for me right now?”

Acknowledge the regret and feel the pain, but don’t let that keep you from moving forward.




14 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: Regret

  1. In the 1989 episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation “Pen Pals,” Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) says to Data (Brent Spiner), ” Remembrance and regrets, they, too, are a part of friendship.” They’re also part of life.


  2. Spot on, my friend! Regrets remind me of that country-western song (I don’t listen to a lot of music, but I thought no it’s Garth Brookes) about thanking God for unanswered prayers. We always thought no we have our livers figured out, but we seldom do. It’s better placed in God’s capable hands.


  3. Sorry it’s been a tough couple of weeks, Marie! I’m glad you’re climbing out of the hole. I agree, there’s no point in getting caught up wondering what might have been. I love how God can work things together to get us where he wants us to be and that sometimes we can look back and see how even choices we regret fit into the big picture of his plan.


  4. “Acknowledge the regret and feel the pain, but don’t let that keep you from moving forward.”
    Great advice, Marie! I’ve missed you… glad to see you here.
    #9 today on the linkup ~Lisa


  5. “I wish I hadn’t gotten sick.”

    But if I hadn’t, Bella the Miracle Dog would have died in the summer-storm ditch into which she was thrown after her back was deliberately broken. She would not have brought, and continues to bring, joy to all who see her hopping-scampering upraised finger to disability. And she weighs all of ten pounds.

    Worth the trade.


    1. “…upraised finger to disability.” This made me laugh out loud.

      You’re so right – there are blessings, even in the regrets. We just have to learn to see them.


  6. This felt like a healing balm poured out, “Yes, we all have regrets, but we all also have the ability to look to Heaven and say, ‘Lord, teach me to see the beauty in this moment. What do You have for me right now?’ Acknowledge the regret and feel the pain, but don’t let that keep you from moving forward.” Thank you, Marie.


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