Prophet, Priest, King

Along the Way @ (2) Gentle Reader,

Studying fundamentalist ideology can leave one with a sour taste in her mouth.

A very sour taste.

I was not raised in a fundamentalist home. I wore pants, played sports, went to public school, read books. listened to music, had boyfriends and asked questions. A lot of questions. I probably drove my parents and teachers up the proverbial wall.

Now, as an adult, I’m still not a fundamentalist. The more I study the Bible and the longer I walk with Jesus, the more convinced I become that God never asks us to turn off our minds. He does not desire us to be simpletons. He does not ask us to turn lumps in the ground into mountains and then die on them. These things – anti-intellectualism and harsh stances on small issues – are often the unfortunate destinations when traveling the fundamentalist road.

Another is the sloppy interpretation and misapplication of God’s word.

I’ve come across several articles recently that take titles belonging to Christ – prophet, priest and king – and transfer them to husbands. (I won’t link to any – save one – of the articles here because this is a definite instance of not wanting to drive traffic to the sites. You can locate them via a simple Google search).

I have a problem with that.

A real problem.

This piece has been under my skin for days. I realize that the author makes it a point to quote Paul’s admonition that husband’s are love their wives as Christ loved the church (sacrificially, even to the point of death; Ephesians 5:25) and I’ll give him credit for that. Still there are problems:

It has been widely accepted that Christ’s activity on behalf of the church can be summarized in these three functional titles: Prophet, Priest and King. A brief look at each will give us keen insight into our role as husbands.

Christ as Prophet: A prophet is someone who brings forth the Word of God to mankind. He is responsible for accurately discerning what God is saying and communicating that to others. Christ performed this prophetic role perfectly in two ways. First, He accurately spoke and taught the Word and words of God to others. Second, He was the actual expression of God and the Word made flesh.

The Husband as Prophet: We have the amazing privilege of bringing forth the Word of God to our wives. While this might involve some actual Bible-teaching time, we need to see the various other forms this should take. We can proclaim His Word and His will as we counsel our wives, as we make family decisions and as we plan for our family’s future. The common ingredient in all of its forms is God’s Word. Without the Word of God, a prophet has nothing to say; his words are empty and meaningless.

In addition to bringing forth the Word in our actions, we too must personify the Word made flesh in us. We must model the truth we are teaching. We must personify what we desire our wives and our marriages to become. Without personally living the truth we proclaim, we can expect no higher praise from Christ than the Pharisees received. (Matthew 23:2-4)

Christ as Priest: A priest is an intercessor: someone who seeks God on behalf of someone else. As Priest, Jesus is constantly seeking God on our behalf. Through Him, we are made holy, righteous, and acceptable to God. Yet, this Priest is different from all others in that He did not sacrifice a lamb, dove, or bull. This Priest sacrificed Himself on our behalf.

The Husband as Priest: As we love our wives, we must serve as priest. Our wives and marriages need prayer. We have the privilege and duty of petitioning God on their behalf. We should pray for their purity, their protection, their joy, their faith, and their burdens. We should pray for their success as a wife, as a mother, and as a woman of God.

We must again follow Christ’s example and allow our priestly sacrifice to be our very selves. Hebrews 12 tells us that Jesus looked past His own sacrifice to the joy that would occur on the other side. With that in mind, look at all that your wife could become. Consider what God might want to do with her, in her, and through her. And, for that joy set before you, willingly endure when you are called to sacrifice yourself. In so doing, you will love your wife as Christ loves His church.

Christ as King: A king is someone who is supreme or preeminent. As our King, Christ deserves our honor, our praise, our obedience, and our servitude. He is in charge … the undisputed leader of the church. Paul speaks many times of Jesus as the head of the church. Yet, while this King rules and reigns, He also serves and ministers to His people. His rule is peculiar in that He models leadership by serving. He says that the greatest among His people will be those who serve. He also is an accessible King. In many courts throughout history, subjects were never permitted to be in the presence of their king. King Jesus invites us in; He leaves open the door to His throne room.

The Husband as King: Ephesians 5:23 makes it clear; the husband is the head of the wife. In essence, kingship undeniably belongs to the husband. As we embrace that, we as husbands must lead. We must lead clearly and boldly. We must be out there on the edge looking to the provision and the protection of our kingdom. To do less is to fall short of our calling to headship. The privilege is ours to rule our home.

However, we are not called simply to take our crowns and dominate our wives. We must rule as Christ rules … with humility. He modeled precisely how He wants us to love our wives. As our King, Christ knelt and washed the feet of His disciples. We must follow His example and serve. Lead boldly, yet serve. Never let the brawn of your leadership outweigh the sacrifice of your leadership. Christ kept them in perfect balance; that is our calling as well.

There’s a lot wrong here.

I make no secret of the fact that I’m not a complementarian. While I do believe that men and women complement each other, I do not believe that there are strictly defined gender roles. I don’t believe that men have one set of gifts and callings while women have another (all of 1 Corinthians 12, but especially verse 11; there is no mention here that the Spirit gives “x” only to men and “y” only to women). I don’t believe that women have to stay home and wait for the men to bring home the bacon.

Neither to I deny the innerrancy and sufficiency of Scripture, so I know and accept what it says about the marital relationship. A lot of people like to skip over the whole “submit to one another” part of Ephesians 5, though (vs. 21). They gloss over the fact that a man who loves his wife sacrificially will do all he can to support her, and she in turn will have no trouble supporting and respecting him.

A lot of people read a whole lot of stuff into that passage. (And 1 Peter 3). They miss the mutuality of marriage. They forget that the two become one (Genesis 2:24).

Neither Paul nor Peter equate the husband with Christ. They never grant him an authority or position on par with Christ. None of the inspired authors of any book of the Bible ever say that a husband functions as a prophet, priest or a king for his wife.

The only way to draw such a conclusion is to read a preconceived notion of “headship” into the passages. Within this system, the Ephesians 5 verses are interpreted with the understanding that “head” means “authority.” However, the Greek kephale is not used to connote authority. It means “source” or “origin.” Consider:

1 Corinthians 11:3: “the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.”

Once again, Paul is dealing not with creational hierarchies but with creational sources. As we already saw, if this passage taught hierarchies it would teach the eternal subordination of the Son to the Father, which was a central teaching of the Arian heresy. Thus, God being the head of Christ must refer to Christ’s source as the eternally begotten Son. And since all three pairings are compared and parallel, the other two cannot mean “authority” either. In the Greek there are not two separate words for “man/husband” and “woman/wife.” The same word is used for both English terms. Thus, the best rendering is not “husband” and “wife” here, but “the man” and “the woman.” Adam and Eve. Paul’s point in this verse is that the “source” of Adam was Christ since Christ made all things and Adam was made in the Image of Christ. And Adam is the “source” of Eve since she was drawn from his side. – Against Patriarchy, Part 6: Concerning Headship

But what about Eden? What about life before the Fall? Didn’t God set up a hierarchy? No:

Using basic principles of interpretation, one comes up with a very simple explanation of the consequence of God’s curse on Adam and Eve – a consequence that has infiltrated every home since the beginning of time. Simply put, the woman will desire to dominate or control the man, but the man, perhaps even with superior strength, will fight hard to rule over and dominate the woman. Where the curse is present there is a constant battle for control. This is how things are because of sin, not how things in the home ought to be. – God Calls Patriarchial Headship a Sinful Desire

The struggle in marriage isn’t because wives just need to put up (and out) and shut up. It’s because men and women both have a sinful desire to control and dominate. Neither was ever meant to be in authority over the other.

This teaching that men are somehow prophets, priests and kings in marriage strays dangerously close to Mormon ideas about the role of men. (I don’t have time to get into this right now, but please do some digging of your own). It also strays dangerously close to the Catholic idea of an alter Christus, or “another Christ.” Further, this teaching conveniently forgets that women are part of the “chosen generation, the royal priesthood” (1 Peter 2:9). It is a direct appeal to the male ego. Sadly, it sets women up for abuse. (I do not claim that every marriage within a fundamentalist framework is abusive. I’m simply saying that it’s not a long leap from the ideas to the abuse).

I love my husband. I love him dearly. I respect him. But there is no way, no how, he is my prophet, priest or king. Those are functions and offices specifically and clearly filled by Christ. I cannot subscribe to any system that promotes, even unknowingly, the usurpation of His rightly exalted position.

My journey to faith. (15)

8 thoughts on “Prophet, Priest, King

  1. I’m currently reading and reviewing a volume edited by New Testament scholars Mark Nanos and Magnus Zetterholm called “Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle”. It is their assertion, along with the various contributors to this work, that Paul cannot be correctly understood outside of his original late Second Temple Jewish context. Doubtless nearly twenty centuries later and halfway around the world, we can barely capture the nuances of what he wrote in his letters. I think the traditions the Church has built around Paul almost totally miss what he was actually saying.


    1. Context – the historical and the textual – is SO important! I dislike the tendency to read passages outside of the context and disconnected from the whole of Scripture. It just doesn’t work.


      1. The trick here is not just to take the immediate context of a verse into account, but the entire world view of the author(s), the culture, language, intent, personality of the writer, everything that the inspiration of the Holy Spirit would leverage to create a particular Biblical account. There’s a lot we typically leave out.


        1. Preaching to the choir.

          We can (and should) sit down and simply read the Bible. The Spirit can (and does) speak to us that way. But we also need to develop the discipline of really digging in and learning how to understand the Bible in the fullest way possible.


          1. I’ve often wondered about that. Can a person sit down and read their Bible alone without any knowledge of the context and the Holy Spirit will automatically guide them into a complete, 100% accurate interpretation of the text, just as it was intended to be understood?

            The answer seems to be (at least to me) “yes and no.” Yes, God can do anything, so obviously this isn’t beyond His abilities, but if that were the case, then all people everywhere who read the Bible and have faith in God would have an identical understanding of each and every book, chapter, and verse, which is of course not the case.

            So what’s the problem?

            My answer is that the Holy Spirit does not override free will. The religions and branches of those religions that see the Bible as inspired by God all have different interpretive traditions for understanding the Bible. Add to that the fact that those traditions have changed over time and that even within a single church or synagogue, there will be individual variations on how the Bible is interpreted, and it gets to be pretty messy.

            Most or all of us want a completely unfiltered and absolutely truthful and factual understanding of the Bible, but we are all subject to personal and religious bias as well, so I don’t think we’ll ever get it.

            I see the Holy Spirit as a guide or a teacher, but as a human being with free will, I have the ability to, even without meaning to do so, sidestep or ignore what the Spirit is telling me. Worse, my bias can be such that I might not be aware of where the Spirit is trying to lead me.

            Another thing. If I wasn’t literate in English, I’d be unable to read Bibles printed in my language, regardless of the leading of the Spirit. I have a similar attitude about education. While all education on Biblical hermeneutics is biased because all human beings carry bias, I still think that having some sort of background in the original context of the Biblical writers is really important (and familiarity with the original Biblical languages would be a big plus).

            That’s why I think that not only reading the Bible is critical, but also reading the published research of Biblical scholars as well as a variety of other commentaries. While we think that, because the Bible is so old, we must know everything about it by now, in fact, there’s new and even groundbreaking studies on the Bible being conducted all the time.

            While the Holy Spirit could manufacture understanding out of thin air, I tend to think the Spirit makes use of who we are and what we know or can learn in order to enhance our comprehension. It’s similar to how the Spirit made use of the language, culture, intelligence, and even the personality of each Biblical writer to produce scripture in the first place.

            But even if we perfectly understood the Word of God, that would still be meaningless unless we lived it out each day. In that sense, what we need to know can be pretty simple. Do unto others as you would have done to you. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and resources, and love your neighbor as yourself. If that’s all you knew and you lived that out every day, you’d be doing OK.


            1. Epic comment, my friend. 🙂

              I’m with you on the “yes and no.” I think a believer can sit down with the Bible and begin reading anywhere and, because of the Holy Spirit, something will be gleaned from that reading. It’s happened to me. But when I go back later and really dig in, with the notes and the commentaries and the original word searches and the concentrated prayer for wisdom, I always find so much more.

              What we get at the surface should motivate us to dive to the fathomless depths. Hosea…I think 4:6, comes to mind, where the prophet quotes God as saying that the people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. In that time He was addressing, specifically, Israel (maybe Judah; I’m typing this on my phone and can’t look right now) and her abandonment of obedience to Him through ignorance of or outright rejection of Torah. Things look diffrent for 21st century Christians, but the principle is the same. We are ruined through either ignorance or rebellion. We cause ourselves and others to suffer with cherry-picking and eisegesis.

              I’m convinced one of the best prayers we can pray Is the one where we ask God to grace us with a love for Scripture. The best step to take after that is to get a solid commentary or study workbook and get to the learning. And that learning should lead to living.


  2. Wow! I’m glad I have a hubby who’s totally in love with Jesus and doesn’t want to control me. Jesus is Prophet, Priest, and King for both of us. Sheesh. I didn’t read the whole article (your excerpts were enough for me–yikes), but I’ll just stick with Jesus being in charge. That’s the thing–I am SO glad I can trust and follow the leading of my husband, but it’s because I know he follows HIS King. There are definite instances when I follow my hubby as he follows Christ. And on the flip side, I operate as a check and balance for him. If I don’t feel quite right about a decision he’s made (or is about to make), he takes that as an indication that it needs more consideration and he might not have it quite right. We both trust each other and the leading of the Holy Spirit in both of our hearts, making a great team together. There is safety is trusting each other and working together. 🙂


    1. “There is safety is trusting each other and working together.”

      Yes! I just don’t see how it could possibly be a good thing for one partner to dominate the other.


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