Five Minute (Monday): Convenient


Gentle Reader,

Missed the chat. Missed writing. Missed sending out last week’s newsletter.

I was up in the snow-covered woods with a bunch of teenagers.

I have many thoughts on that. Later.

Kate says: convenient.


Marie Kondo teaches us to ask, “Does it spark joy?” If there is no joy, it goes. Aside from the spiritual undercurrents swirling around her ideas for dealing with clutter and organizing your life (please, read her book and watch her Netflix show with discernment), her question isn’t a bad one. What are the things weighing us down? What do we need to let go of in order to move forward?

Ah, but it’s a double-edged sword, isn’t it? Because some of the things that weigh us down are, in fact, things that we do need to keep. Things we need to wrestle with. Things for which we need a new perspective. If we chucked anything and everything that doesn’t draw out our smiles, that isn’t immediately convenient, we would be hopelessly selfish creatures, entirely lost in our own ever-changing whims and desires.

It is less about sparks joy in us and more about what sparks joy in the heart of our Father.

Even when it’s not convenient.

Commit your way to the Lord;
trust in him, and he will act,

making your righteousness shine like the dawn,
your justice like the noonday.

Be silent before the Lord and wait expectantly for him;
do not be agitated by one who prospers in his way,
by the person who carries out evil plans.

– Psalm 37:5-7 (CSB)




9 thoughts on “Five Minute (Monday): Convenient

  1. Not sure that question can be applied situationally. I don’t feel wall-to-wall joy at my job all the time. In fact, the best I might feel is a sense of satisfaction. Taking one giant step backward, I can view the larger picture of providing for my family and serving a purpose in life as “joy,” but even “count it all joy” Paul had way more than his fair share of trials and suffering. I think we can take some joy in knowing we’re on the right path, even when on a day-to-day level, we might be struggling.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I agree with you, and that’s why I find Kondo’s philosophy flawed. In terms of getting rid of junk, sure; nobody really needs the t-shirt that hasn’t fit since high school. But it’s nearly impossible to extend this idea into anything beyond material possessions.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful post, Marie.

    made me think, thus:

    Convenience is the sirens’ voice
    upon a deadly shore
    that leads for a fatal choice
    of hell forevermore.
    There was a Man who took the cup
    of pain for all our sakes,
    and will we, spectating, sup
    on lattes and sweet cakes?
    Was His death a watching sport
    where we need but cheer
    and then sell Hislove so short
    as we bathe in smoke and beer?
    Shall we repay His offered graces
    with smug smiles upon our faces?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is great! I like how you turn it around from thinking of what sparks joy in us to what sparks joy in God. That’s what we should really be considering!


  4. I liked learning how to fold shirts so I can see them all in the drawer, then realizing I had too many. I don’t think I need to thank the drawer for giving up the four I gave away. Yes, I do want to spark joy in the Father instead. You got people thinking – nice post. Your FMF neighbor.


    1. I definitely don’t think there’s anything wrong in taking Kondo’s organizational advice. In fact, I love to organize things and I’ll take any tips I can get! I just hate to see people get caught up in the pseudo-spiritual elements.

      Thank you for commenting! And I’m sorry that it took me this long to get back to you.



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