The Detox Diaries, Five Minute Friday Edition: Close


Gentle Reader,

Linking up with Lisa-Jo for Five Minute Friday. This week’s prompt: Close.


One word.

Two meanings.

Close: Benny snuggles next to me. His soft fur smashes against my leg. He sighs with contentment. In his doggy-ness, there is nowhere else he’d rather be.

Close: A season of life, coming to an end. Pages flutter. Chapter headings merge. Changes come.

Whether it is close or coming to a close, what matters is the Steady One. The God who remains. The God who sees. The God who beckons me to come close, to sit in His lap, to tell Him all my secrets. The God who whispers that it’s time to end something. The God who promises to be there in the roughness of the ending.

I want to be close to Him in every closing. And close to Him in every beginning.

The trees outside shed their bonny spring blossoms, signaling the start of summer. Silky petals float on the gentle, hazy breeze. It lifts the frizzy hair away from my scalp. Refreshing.

The fingers of God, so close in the closing.


My journey to faith. (15)

To read all the posts in The Detox Diaries series, go here.

10 thoughts on “The Detox Diaries, Five Minute Friday Edition: Close

  1. Look how you managed to write about both close and close. 🙂 But a wonderful message-we need to remember to draw close to Him when those doors are closing, when something is ending and something else begins. I pray I remember to do so!


  2. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I love that I can see your heart in every word and I love that your words speak to my heart, encouraging me to seek the One who never changes whether I am starting something new, or closing out something done. He is always close.

    Thank you for these words. And I thank God for your beautiful spirit.


  3. Nice to meet you, Marie, through Five Minute Fridays. It’s really interesting to see how Lisa-Jo’s prompt – “close” – has generated different meanings for different writers. I like how you have woven the 2 meanings of the word together into a statement of dependence upon God. Thank you!


    1. Nice to meet you too, Renee! Dependence upon God…like the song says, I need Him every hour. I hope you sense Him in a special way today!



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