The Detox Diaries, Five Minute Friday Edition: Grateful


Gentle Reader,

Linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. This week’s prompt: Grateful.


The zaps keep coming. I feel like my brain is going to pour out of my ear any minute now.

But there is Jesus.

That probably doesn’t make sense to you if you’ve never been through an antidepressant withdrawal. My brain feels like mush. I could cry…because. Don’t need a reason. My ribs hurt. But Jesus is there. He’s holding me. Every time I turn around, He’s got an encouraging word for me through a blog post, a song, the Word itself. No condemnation. No “do better, try harder.” Just the assurance that He’s walking this twisting road with me.

I’ve only begun to climb this mountain. It’ll get steeper. But it feels like I ran 18 marathons this week. I’m so tired. And wired. Everything all at once, it seems. I don’t make sense to myself. And I don’t like that.

But there is Jesus.

I don’t have to explain myself. He knows. He’ll dry my tears and ease my fears.

I am so grateful.


What are you grateful for today? I’d love to hear about it! Come join the Five Minute Friday party!

My journey to faith. (15)

For all the posts in The Detox Diaries series, go here.

16 thoughts on “The Detox Diaries, Five Minute Friday Edition: Grateful

  1. Thank you for being vulnerable with us here tonight and sharing. Thanks for reminding me of His ever-present help in trouble!!! He has you and He goes before you!!!


  2. Blessings to you, dear sister. I pray for peace on your journey, and that you always feel those loving arms of Jesus around you. You are walking a difficult road, but you are not alone.


  3. I so appreciate you sharing your struggle and the battle to fight through the haze leaning hard on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith! Rock on, Marie! There is a cloud of witnesses cheering you on!


  4. Wow, Marie! Your writing is so raw, so real and so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your heart and your story with us tonight. And for the reminder that Jesus is always there and we don’t need to prove ourselves to him or do better for him. He loves us and he carries us and he cares for us.

    Praying that you will continue your climb your mountain with success and encouragement, my friend!


  5. My prayers are with you at this moment Marie. I can imagine this is going to take awhile for the changes to slow to a new steady rhythm. We watched several children on and off various meds and the physical implications that went with it. Standing there with you sister in lifting hands to Jesus and taking it all one step at a time. Whether they are bitty steps, big steps or even steps of falling forward into His arms..


  6. Such a wonderful post. I pray that the Lord continues to show up and bless you through this time in your life. God is so very good. I am so glad that I got a chance to drop by here today. I am grateful for the life I have and the God who reaches through the chaos and calms my storms. Dropping by from FMF. God bless you!


  7. What am I grateful for? A big one is when things get to be too much for me to handle, I stop and say “for this I have Jesus”.

    Thank you Marie for sharing not only the blessings but the trials and hard things also. I appreciate you so much.



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