31 Days of Brave: Shaking


Gentle Reader,

Isn’t it odd how you can long for something and then, when it comes, but absolutely terrified of it?

I’m having that experience today. Because God is God, I had a feeling that learning about bravery would be entwined with a moment that required bravery from me. He tends to set me up like that, which is okay. Better to go into a situation armed with information than to walk in blindly.

Still, I’m shaking. I’m imagining the worst of all possible outcomes. There’s a knot in my stomach. All the old lines play in my head – it’s your fault, you shouldn’t have said anything, you’re stupid, you should apologize, you should take responsibility for everything.

Not this time. I don’t care if you can hear my knees knocking and my heart racing six states away. I’m going to do this. I’m going to climb this mountain. I’m going to keep my head up.

Bravery rejects lies like the ones stuck in the ruts of my soul. Bravery faces a situation from a place of truth.

My journey to faith. (15)

  For all of the posts in the 31 Days: Brave series, go here.

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