31 Days of Brave: Define


Gentle Reader,

If it is important to know what bravery is, then it is also important to know what bravery is not.

To be brave is not equal to being a loud-mouth or a bully. I believe that courageous people posses a calmness and resolve of spirit. There is a sense in which they have made their decisions before situations arise. Bullies need to be the biggest, the best, the toughest, the smartest, the prettiest, the most wounded (yes, I do believe that woundedness has become a competitive art). Loud-mouths feel the need to say anything and everything that comes into their minds, whether it is true or not.

Perhaps there is a connection between bravery and wisdom. In knowing when to act and when to speak.

My journey to faith. (15)

  For all of the posts in the 31 Days: Brave series, go here.

8 thoughts on “31 Days of Brave: Define

      1. If the situation didn’t scare you, at least a little, it wouldn’t take courage to face it and push through. I think it’s something like saying, “Dear God please help,” and then moving forward toward where He wants you to go. Think about God’s advice to Joshua as he was about to lead the Children of Israel to war across the Jericho. “Be strong and courageous.” But it wasn’t just Joshua’s courage, it was the promise that God would never leave him or forsake him.

        God won’t leave or forsake you, either.


    1. I understand that. My brain can come up with a million reasons “not to” when my heart says “go!” Or maybe it’s my old spirit warring with the Holy Spirit.



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